
How to Promote Your YouTube Channel: 30+ Tactics That Can Do Wonders

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Netflix & TikTok might be the game changers, but old-school YouTube has been everyone’s favorite since forever. Super interactive and easy to use, YouTube has always been the go-to platform for people of different ages. It is the world’s best video-sharing social media platform with 2.6 billion monthly active users and is still ruling the audience’s hearts with engaging content.

Be it the trailer of an upcoming horror thriller or any old movie you want to watch again, YouTube is the only platform where your mind would rush!

It’s very simplified example comes from last year, when Spider-Man: No Way Home released its trailer, and people kept on binge-watching it.

And guess what, multiple YouTube channels uploaded the trailer, and each of them crossed thousands of views in a couple of hours. This is where we know that YouTube channels are now not passive but a direct source of income for everyone.

spiderman no way home trailer

30+ Smart Ways to Promote Your YouTube Channel

Since the platform is the second most used search engine around the globe, it could be a bit difficult for your channel to stand out from others. And if you want to stand out on YouTube, you need to take advantage of as many promotional tactics as possible. Check out the infographic below and learn some basic tips to get more subscribers on your YouTube channel.

tips to get more subscribers on YouTube channel

With the tips mentioned in the infographic, you can easily make your channel noticeable among the audience.

Now let’s talk about how to promote your YouTube channel among the masses.

Here I have jotted down some smart ways to help you promote your YouTube channel effectively like never before. All these ways are totally free to implement and can be super effective for your channel promotion.

  1. Choose Google-Friendly Keywords

    If you want your YouTube channel to become searchable, you need to start with great SEO. Perfectly done YouTube SEO can help your channel get higher rankings in search results. And to get started with that, you must understand what users are searching for. Since Google began prioritizing video content over written one, it is definitely a golden opportunity to cash.

    However, there is no set rule of keywords to help your videos rank well. But a bit of planning may help you go a long way. You can identify possible keywords with a tool like Google Ads Keyword planner, analyze the search engine results for keywords, and tweak the keywords to produce better results. Look at the example below where I searched for Social Champ’s tutorial.

    Social Champ tutorial

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With Social Champ’s free scheduler, you can schedule videos for your YouTube channel and automate posting without any trouble!
  1. Use Catchy & Descriptive Video Titles

    A descriptive video title works best for YouTube videos since it is the first thing the audience sees when they look for your content. If the description of the video won’t be punchy enough, it won’t be impactful. Follow the below-listed tips to write strong YouTube descriptions and titles.

    • Keep it short and straight to the point.
    • Include the primary keywords in your title to put up valuable information.
    • Don’t use clickbait; just create engaging headlines that could produce an emotional reaction among the audience.
    • The description and title should indicate what the video is all about.

    Following these tips, you can create a powerful title and description for your YouTube video. Once a video is up on your channel, it will become easier for you to promote your content and channel. Below is an example of how to promote your YouTube channel via a descriptive video title; see how Social Champ elaborates what the video is all about within the title.

    Social Champ video description

  2. Create Custom Thumbnails

    Thumbnails always matter; sometimes, they are more important than the description and title itself. The human brain is more compatible with noticing visuals rather than text, as we can process them in less than 13 milliseconds!

    Amazing right? This is why I recommend you produce YouTube thumbnails for all your videos. Here is the list of YouTube tools that will help you out. Follow these rules to get the best results.

    • Resolution: 1280 x 720 px (but any 16:9 aspect ratio should work, as long as the width is at least 640 px)
    • The format should be JPG, GIF, or PNG.
    • The size limit for the thumbnail is 2MB.
    • Add text and colors to encourage clicks.
    • Choose a close-up image to focus on the zoomed-in picture.

    Check out how Social Champ designs its thumbnails for YouTube videos. Aren’t these super vibrant, clickable, and interactive?

    Social Champ thumbnail

Related Article: How YouTube Advertising Works: A Step-By-Step Guide

  1. Fill Out Your Profile Information

    Many YouTubers skip the profile segment and get instantly to the content creation. However, a compelling profile is one of the simplest ways to promote your YouTube channel—and enhance your search engine optimization ranking. Here are some fine practices for creating a powerful YouTube profile:

    • Be steady. Use a similar color palette, writing style, and format as you do to your website and different social media channels to maintain a similar appearance.
    • Optimize your YouTube channel description with proper keywords and tags. However, keep in mind that YouTube penalizes “tag stuffing,” but having more than one key phrase can work wonders for you and go a long way to bring views.
    • Stay in contact with your audience by answering their queries and getting back to their feedback. This will help you go a long way because people respect the content creators who engage with their audience.

  2. Optimize Your Video Descriptions

    Optimizing the videos with the right descriptions is essentially very important. You need to search for keywords so that your video titles are super searchable for the viewer.

    Below are the few tips you need to keep in mind while writing your YouTube video descriptions; they will help your YouTube channel grow like never before.

    • Keep the key phrases in the description and name.
    • Create a “content page” with timestamps that assist visitors locate what they’re searching for.
    • Upload links to applicable
    • Add some relevant Make sure to observe YouTube’s hashtagging guidelines before you submit.

    You can also add some key phrases inside the video itself, or use multiple keywords at some stage in a quick introduction for satisfactory results.

    We already have seen how 5 minute crafts has been ranking for its super unique keyword, channel name, and content optimization.

    5 minute crafts

    Each channel from 5-minute crafts has its own color, description, keyword, niche, and millions of subscribers, just WOW!

  3. Keep an Eye on Metadata

    YouTube’s metadata tips emphasize two matters on the subject of keywords:

    • Be sincere.
    • Pick out first-rate over quantity.

    These guidelines additionally observe functions like tags and categories. With the help of this metadata function, your video description becomes automatically optimized. This way, the search query of a user becomes friendly for him, and he is able to land the video in no time.

  4. Offer Real Value

    A YouTube channel that provides information and proper data to the viewer is the most viewed on the platform. Not if informative; in general, the channel should be entertaining enough. And this way, extraordinary content is a pleasant manner to keep visitors engaged. Now what you need to keep in mind before posting any video is that:

    • Is it unique?
    • Will it improve viewers’ lives in any way?
    • Does it bring value to the table?
    • How will it be useful for the viewer?

    Our “freemium plan” video is one among our most popular so far. By narrowing it down step-by-step, we helped viewers learn about our free plan and its premium feature. It provides real value, and we were actually rewarded with actual engagement.

    Social Champ free plan

  5. Create High-Quality Videos

    If you post a poor-quality video, it can undermine even the nice content. Obviously, who will willingly watch poor-quality content? Sounds like your hard work is being overshadowed.

    That’s why you must ensure your content looks expert before you post it on YouTube. Use a high-resolution camera, do a soundcheck earlier than recording, and learn some simple modifying skills. You can use multiple YouTube tools to edit out the videos.

    Since nobody is a natural filmmaker, you can brush up on these nice practices for social media videos if you’re a touch rusty.

  6. Interact With Your Fans

    YouTube is all about posting content and engaging with the audience. And honestly, we all strive for organic engagement on our content. The most successful YouTubers constantly monitor and interact with their enthusiasts. Monitoring the metrics of your videos can eventually help you create amazing content.

    Ensure to reply to visitors’ remarks even if they are not in your favor. You can pin the positive comments and upload response videos.

    Your viewers and subscribers are the backbone of your channel. Don’t take them for granted.

    Musical artist Madylin Bailey writes songs using hate feedback on her films. She created this video in reaction to his “biggest hater.” They got a variety of attention to her.

  7. Try a Q&A

    To be honest, I eventually get excited when my favorite creator comes up with a question and answer video. It is one of the most straightforward approaches to building a community on YouTube. You can ask your subscribers to send you questions via comment, e-mail, or tweet. Then create a video to answer them.

    This way, you can show your audience that you count on them. And once you gain a strong subscribers-base, you will automatically gain improved watch time, and receive more engagement. Plus, Q&As may be lifesavers if you have run out of content.

  8. Run Contests

    Contests are any other high-quality way to get your target market concerned. With such a video, you can collect viewer records, encourage likes and comments, and advantage your subscribers.

    At this point, you need to learn what type of contest would work well on your channel. Take a look at your product, then learn about your target party and;

    • Start a contest with an unmistakable thought of what you can provide.
    • Appreciate YouTube’s contest guidelines and regulations.
    • Pick out a prize your subscribers will enjoy.
    • Use Social Champ to run proper and scheduled giveaways.

Manage Your YouTube Analytics & Top Metrics On the Go!

With Social Champ’s analytics feature, you can track the performance of your videos and keep an eye on their interaction with the audience.
  1. Be Active in the Community

    YouTube is all about locating your area of interest and building your following within it. You can join channels that target a similar audience as you. Watch, like, and rate their content and leave thoughtful comments or mention them in your personal videos.

    It will provide you with a better experience of what your competition is and will help you reach new viewers.

    Our community experts also shared their take on multiple topics, and we shared them with our YouTube audience.

    Social Champ community

  2. Take the Help of Other Social Media Channels

    Once you create a high-quality video for your channel,  go ahead and start the marketing on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You can go with influencer marketing and ask growing influencers for paid partnerships to promote your channel.

    This simple approach can get your channel in front of hundreds of new human beings. And because publishing a video on another channel is an implied endorsement, these people are terrific probably to subscribe to your channel.

  3. Work With Influencers

    Partnering with influencers is every other way to expand your reach. YouTube personalities assist you in tapping into the present, incredibly engaged communities. They also can help you provide you with new content material while you’re caught for thoughts.

    However, there’s one golden rule to any successful partnership, and that is to stay consistent and be proper.

    You can pick out influencers who constitute values aligned together with your channel. Do check whether it will provide value to your viewers.

    Here is the collaboration between Jackie Aina and Anastasia Beverly Hills, a makeup artist partnering with a make-up emblem.

  4. Respect YouTube’s Community Guidelines

    YouTube is cracking down hard on irrelevant content material due to a rising quantity of underage users.

    Don’t publish anything you wouldn’t want your little brother to watch up. Otherwise, your video will get flagged and removed from YouTube’s recommendation feature. On serious concerns, your channel can also get suspended.

  5. Create a Series

    While being a content creator on YouTube, you must stay consistent and follow a strategically planned calendar. Create a series of videos on a trendy topic and drive the audience’s attention in no time via multiple clips.

    And for this purpose, select a catchy, keyword-friendly name on your playlists and series for high-quality consequences. Create a custom thumbnail to offer each video within the collection a similar look and feel. It will help you to get more subscribers in less time.

  6. Make Playlists

    Playlists also assist with discoverability. The videos in a playlist are much more likely to seem in YouTube’s advised films column. Plus, playlist titles are an awesome place to add keywords.

    You may create powerful playlists to hold on to the subscribers and gain more views. On your channel page, present movies together below a common keyword. This maintains visitors on your channel.

  7. Go Live

    YouTube is one of the net’s most famous “Live” that was noticed, in particular, all through the COVID-19 pandemic whilst in-person occasions had been canceled. A lot of artists conducted YouTube Live to interact with their fans and performed virtually for them. You may also take advantage of this by developing content material that genuinely engages viewers. Webinars, Q&As, and occasions all work well for YouTube Live.

  8. Add a Call-To-Action

    You can include a compelling CTA on your video to make the maximum of your tough-earned target audience. You need to push your visitors to love or rate your video. You can also direct them to click on the CTA button to go to your internet site.

    Keep in mind, the first-rate CTAs are always clean, compelling, and pressing. Social Champ does the same, by the way!.

    We used this end display screen in our videos to enhance subscriptions.

    Call to Action

Featured Article: YouTube Marketing Guide: Tips, Strategies & Best Practices for 2022

  1. Cross-Promote Your Channel

    Attain out to audiences outside of YouTube to build a community around your channel. Try to find approaches to bringing an audience to your blogs, channels, email newsletter, and social media platforms. When it comes to emails, make sure to follow some phishing statistics to keep them authenticated and safe from cyber-attacks.

    You can easily go with multiple types of content and direct your audience from those platforms to land on the main website.

    There are multiple ways to boost your channel promotion, from posting carousels on Instagram to creating a newsletter on LinkedIn and making announcements on Facebook.

  2. Take Advantage of the Holidays

    For instance, Halloween is around the corner, and if you are a makeup artist, you can go with the “get ready with me” or “how to create a Halloween look this year” kind of videos. Use vacations, famous movies, and upcoming events as possibilities to put up relevant content material. Trust me, you’d be surprised how well this approach can paint!

  3. Make Evergreen Videos

    Add some undying and evergreen kind of videos to your channel that your subscribers will go back to look at and enjoy over and over again.  Popular evergreen content material includes how-to guides, tools and assets lists, stat collections, tip roundups, and much more. This certainly depends on your niche, and you can conduct research in this regard.

    This sort of evergreen content can rank nicely for years, increasing site visitors and boosting video searchability.

  4. Check Out What Works & Do More of It!

    YouTube’s analytics are powerful, and you should use them wisely! Take a dive into your facts to understand your audience on a deeper stage. How vintage are they? What languages do they speak? Which video patterns do they pick? Use these statistics to create content that, in reality, captures their attention.

    YouTubers like PewDiePie found his passion and gave their fullest to gaming videos, and they have blown up the internet. He found his niche and kept on working to make his content reliable and entertaining, and here we are – all of us – that he is one of the wealthiest YouTubers in town.

  5. Post Teasers on Your TikTok

    TikTok has become quite famous and it may have pushed YouTube a step back. However the video-sharing app only allows 3-minutes video, which in comparison of YouTube is quite short. YouTube however, allows 15 mins for non-verified users and up to 12 hours for verified users.

    You can use TikTok to promote your YouTube video by posting a teaser, or by posting the video’s first three minutes or few seconds. You can encourage your viewers to go over to your Youtube channel to watch the full video. Don’t forget to add the link to your channel in your TikTok bio.

  6. Keep Yourself and Your Videos All Natural

    Remember, natural and to-the-point videos work well rather than the ones that look quite artificial and boring. Be yourself, and don’t try to pretend like somebody that you are not. The same goes with the research, be proactive and don’t post such things that could suspend your channel.

    Another great way to promote your videos and channel is to add captions to your videos. Since YouTube is huge and people from different ethnicities may land your video, make sure to add captions to make them understand.

  7. See what’s trending on Youtube—the discover page is a superb location to see new content. Trends and challenges are the inspiration for brand new content, and the ones on Youtube are frequently final longer than traits on other apps (for example, the Boyfriend Does My makeup challenge that first popped up around 2006 is still going). Videos like morning and nighttime workouts are highly competitive in 2022, and the same goes for makeup products and cosmetic items.

  8. Make Virtual Reality Videos

    360º videos and virtual reality offer a unique video entertainment, and the massive boom in VR headset income indicates that viewers are right here for that 3-D content material. Youtube offers two distinctive formats: Youtube VR180 and 360º. There are courses for each to get you started out, consisting of what form of tools you’ll want, a way to film such videos, and how the videos are stitched together.

  9. Post Videos in Multiple Parts

    Steal the attention by posting a single video in multiple parts. The trick to this isn’t constantly posting videos in multiple elements because it may end up annoying your audience. Posting in greater digestible chunks makes users more likely to click on your video, where you can gently factor them closer to component 2. Don’t do this often; instead, go with the episodes in a single video to break it up in different chunks. Check below how we did this for Social Champ’s videos.

    Video in multiple parts and episodes

  10. Get Verified on YouTube

    When you have 100,000 or extra subscribers, you could follow to be verified on Youtube. Here is the link to a guide to Youtube’s verification system.

    Just imagine, having that extra stamp of credibility will simplest assist your channel to grow. You can also go with YouTube shorts to boost the views and optimize your videos for increased visibility.

  11. Promote Your Videos in a YouTube Community Post

    On the way to get the Youtube network tab to your channel, you also want a certain wide variety of subscribers. Still, in contrast to the 100k required for verification, the most effective 1000 subscribers are wished for the network to get right of entry to.

    The Youtube network tab has a feed that appears much like Facebook or Twitter, in which you can submit video announcements, polls, questions, and different media to your target market.

  12. Do What Your Favorite Youtubers Do

    I know you started your Youtube adventure as a fan. The website has been around since 2006, and globally, everyone watches more than one billion hours of Youtube daily. Your preferred YouTubers aren’t only a source for comedy sketches, makeup how-tos, and vlogs—they’re a super case study for advertising, marketing, and merchandising as well.

    Discover successful channels that are much like yours, and watch what they do. Then, put your personal spin on it. This way, you’d be able to inspire the audience in somewhat your way!

Schedule YouTube Videos Like a Champ!

You can now easily boost your marketing efforts with a YouTube automation tool, Social Champ. The tool allows you to schedule, publish, and monitor all your YouTube videos from one centralized dashboard.

You can add high-visibility video tags and upload up to 1 GB of YouTube video for higher reach. Social Champ also provides in-depth analytics of your YouTube videos with platform-specific metrics.

Let me know in the comments if this guide helped you to promote your YouTube channel!

Happy YouTubing ahead!

People Also Ask

1. Are YouTube Channels Worth It to Make Money?

YouTube channels are one of the best ways to make money and can help you earn an income from one source. However, you must work creatively to create an informative and attention-grabbing channel.

2. Who Is the World’s Richest YouTuber?

According to the new findings, Mr. Beast is the world’s richest YouTuber right now. His estimated earnings were to be $54 million in 2021.

3. Which YouTube Channel Has the Most Subscribers?

The Indian music and film production company T-Series is the most-subscribed channel on YouTube, with over 221 Million subscribers.
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Picture of Summaiya Shahid

Summaiya Shahid

I am a part of #ChampFam as a content writer and content strategist. A computer science graduate who always hated coding yet my love for writing poetry and blogs grew stronger with time. I usually love to watch cartoons specifically Doraemon and hangout with my friends when I am free. Launching my personal makeup brand has always been my dream and I am open to more advice about it. Ping me at [email protected]

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