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Creative Click Media – A Result Driven Digital Agency to Boost Your Business Growth

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Creative Click Media

The digital landscape of businesses is turning competitive with each passing day. Companies are paying keen attention to their online presence and want to have a groundbreaking social media profile for their customers.

Due to these reasons, enterprises these days make sure that they have put their marketing strategies on the right track. And to do this, they need bespoke marketing agencies with a proven record of their work. Creative Click Media is a result-driven marketing and digital agency that is here to cater services that you have been searching for your business.

From website design and development to SEO, email marketing, brand identity, graphic design, video production, social media marketing, and content creation – Creative Click Media is right here for your help. Here is the company’s success story.

A Journey From Employment to Entrepreneurship

I always like to say Creative Click Media started with little more than a laptop and a dream for something bigger. 15 years ago I was working in insurance, and decided to build my first-ever website for my business. I quickly learned that a great website is more than just great design, and taught myself how to optimize for SEO. When my website began outranking national insurance brands in my local market, I knew I was onto something.

Realizing the value of what I had done for my business and the enjoyment I got from doing it, I began creating websites and doing SEO for friends and colleagues as a side hustle. Little did I know, this newfound hobby of mine would soon end up becoming my career path. Eventually, I ended my career in insurance and went back to my old restaurant job waiting tables while I built up my client roster. I networked tirelessly for months, making as many connections and converting as many clients as I could to get my business off the ground. Once I realized I was generating more income from my side hustle than my restaurant job, I quit to focus on growing Creative Click Media full time.

What Creative Click Media Offers to Their Clients

Creative Click Media is a full-service digital marketing agency. Our suite of marketing services includes website design, SEO, local SEO, social media marketing, video marketing, email marketing, ecommerce marketing, content marketing, website maintenance and security.

Building Connections & Community Always Help!

The biggest challenge we faced in getting Creative Click Media off the ground was generating a steady stream of clients. As any entrepreneur could tell you, it can be difficult to convince potential clients to take a chance on a new business – especially when there are already established companies in the same field. I was able to overcome this thanks to the personal connections I made, especially through my local Chamber of Commerce. I attended every event I could to meet local business owners and get Creative Click Media’s name out there – so much so that they fondly started referring to me as the “Posterchild of the Chamber”. The connections I made through the Chamber were what really allowed me to turn this part-time dream of owning a business into a full-time reality.

Staying Consistent & Updated Is the Key to Success

Our SEO and social media campaigns are focused on consistently staying current, both with our clients’ needs and emerging industry trends. For our SEO clients, we develop a focused campaign consisting of winnable keywords we want to rank for. We then scale this strategy as the business grows and ranks for higher volume, more difficult keywords. In other words, our SEO strategy doesn’t stay stagnant, it grows with the client. At the same time, we’ll supplement their campaign with an updated website, Google Business Profile and additional local listings in directories.

Similarly, our clients’ social media campaigns cannot stay stagnant if we want them to be successful. A huge component of our social media marketing strategy is keeping up with current trends, anticipating emerging trends and staying on top of the latest algorithm changes across platforms. Our goal isn’t just to get our clients onto social media, but to create content that generates engagement, improves brand recognition and ultimately helps their business accomplish their goals.

Wins Down the Lane

I don’t like to brag, but for a small business, we have a pretty big trophy shelf. We’ve been fortunate enough to be recognized for our work in web design, videography and even copywriting from the Vega Awards, Muse Creative Awards, Communicator Awards, W3 Awards and more. As a company, Creative Click Media has received gold honors twice in the NJ Smart Workplaces Awards. The accomplishments I’m most proud of, however, are when our individual team members receive accolades for their work. Six members of our team have been recognized as NJ’s Best MARCOM professionals under 40 over the years, and we look forward to adding to that list as our talented team continues to grow and shine in their areas of expertise.

The Team Behind Creative Click Media

Creative Click Media was strictly a solo project for years, until I made my first hire in 2015. That team of two quickly grew to a team of six in the following year, all working out of my house at my kitchen table. I’m fortunate that two team members from that “kitchen table” era – Bev and Olivia – are still with the company today. We’ve gone through phases of having not enough employees to having too many employees, but we’ve finally reached a sweet spot 10 years later with 10 talented team members all at the top of their games.

Putting Together A Team of Talented Individuals

It sounds cliche, but teamwork really does make the dream work. Many business owners fall into the trap of believing they can be everything for everyone – myself included. This might have been the case while Creative Click Media was just starting out, but as we’ve grown and expanded our services, it’s become increasingly important to have a team of talented individuals working together to provide our clients with the best service possible.

I’ve learned that delegation is key, and it’s essential to have team members who are experts in their respective fields and passionate about what they do. This allows us to provide the best possible service to our clients, and it also helps take some of the pressure off of me as the business owner. Letting go of a piece of the business I had built from the ground up was a challenge initially, but it’s been immensely rewarding to see our team flourish and continue to grow as a cohesive unit.

Strategic Planning is the Key to Success

Creative Click Media has a five-part recipe for success:

  1. Be Purposeful: We start every new client campaign by asking ourselves “Why?”. This allows us to ensure every choice we make while developing our client’s digital marketing strategy is task-oriented and intentional.
  2. Be Proactive: We don’t wait for things to happen – we make them happen. Our team is always thinking ahead to identify opportunities and potential problems before they arise. This proactive approach allows us to keep our clients one step ahead of the competition.
  3. Be Passionate: We love what we do, and it shows in our work. Our team is passionate about digital marketing, and that passion drives us to create results-driven campaigns that deliver real results for our clients.
  4. Be Personable: Great strategies drive results, but it’s the personal relationships we build with our clients that keep them coming back. We work closely with our clients to get to know their business, their goals, and their needs. This allows us to develop a true partnership that delivers long-term results.
  5. Be Persistent: Setbacks arise, but we don’t give up easily. When we take on a new client, we are in it for the long haul. We are committed to seeing our clients succeed, and we will work tirelessly to make that happen.

Token of Appreciation for Social Champ

Social Champ is a great tool for managing social media accounts, especially for small businesses who might not have the manpower to dedicate to social media full-time. It’s user-friendly and has a ton of valuable features, like the ability to schedule posts in advance and measure analytics to assess what’s working and what isn’t. The social media landscape is constantly changing, and Social Champ helps businesses stay ahead of the curve by providing them with the tools they need to navigate social media marketing effectively. I’m a big fan of any company that makes marketing my business easier, and Social Champ definitely fits that bill!

Moving Towards a Bright Future

My vision for Creative Click Media in the coming years is all about going big to grow big. We’ve already started expanding into an international market, and one of my main objectives over the next few years is to continue growing globally. I’ve never been one to dream small, so I see us continuing to grow and evolve into a truly multinational company.

I also want to continue hiring top talent and expanding our team so that we can provide an even better service to our clients. We already have a great team of experts, but I see us adding even more members with unique skill sets that will complement our existing team. My 10 year old son, Miles, may even join the business! He recently started his own YouTube channel and is already thinking methodically about how to generate more views. One video even received over 3000 views overnight – he could be a great asset to our video marketing team one day!

Social Champ wishes the team of Creative Click Media good luck for the future!

Stop Juggling, Start Prioritizing​​ ​

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