
Pinterest Videos – The A to Z Guide for 2024 & Beyond

Table of Contents

As marketers, we usually scratch our heads, stare at the blinking cursor, and run out of ideas when planning for our next social media inspiration.

Yesterday, while scrolling through endless search results for my next social media post. I accidentally landed on Pinterest. Well, I am not a Pinterest user, and to my surprise, this visual social media platform was overwhelmed with the new ideas and inspirations I had been looking for so long.

And after that, I reactivated my Pinterest account, saved my favorite pins, followed some inspiring influencers, and got many cool inspirations for my post.

I quickly figured out that from makeover inspirations to flashy autumn-themed videos and from cute animal videos to a perfect wallpaper for your phones, Pinterest is more than that for marketers like me.

According to the reports, Pinterest is home to 433 Million people discovering new ideas daily, and not forgetting to mention 83% of pinners have made a purchase from the content they have seen on Pinterest.

Since the platform is continuously growing, Pinterest makes sure not to lag behind when it comes to video content. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that Pinterest videos are the superstars with increasing engagement and popularity.

If you are a video creator or a social media manager looking to get your videos noticed by a large audience, then Pinterest is probably the best to go for. Moreover, you can use a Pinterest management tool to post your pins and videos at optimal times. So before we go any further, let’s see what Video Pins actually are;

Video Pins are native videos that are uploaded directly on Pinterest. They are one of the effective ways to tell a comprehensive story about your brand or product. Video Pins have an attractive cover image that attracts your audience’s attention at first, and they appear in the user’s feed.

Let’s dive into the visual world of Pinterest and analyze how your brands can make a huge splash on Pinterest using the video feature.

Why Pinterest Videos Work for Business

Pinterest is a powerful platform for driving traffic to your website. And while it’s often thought of as a go-to platform for promoting products and services, it can also be used to drive awareness and interest in your business.

  1. Drive Traffic to the Website

    When driving traffic to your website, Pinterest videos are the best. These video pins allow users to use captivating cover photos that help to catch user attention in a short span. You can create a teaser video featuring the product and mention the link to your website. This will increase the buzz for your videos, allowing users to scroll through your website.

    Video pins are played in your newsfeed, so make sure to use the trending audio in your video pins to get more eyeballs rolling on your video content.

  2. Pinterest Increases the Number of Views

    As a marketer, you know the importance of using video to reach your audience. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. So, it’s for the reason that a video is worth even more. But what if you could get the best of both worlds? With Pinterest videos, you can do so. Tagging your YouTube videos with Pinterest-specific keywords can make them more discoverable to the millions of people who use the platform daily. Those who view Pinterest videos are also more likely to view them on YouTube.

  3. Video Improves Trust and Credibility

    Videos are a great way to show off your products and services, but they can also improve trust and credibility with your audience. You are taking advantage of a huge opportunity if you are using video on Pinterest. A study by Wyzowl found that 73% of users are more likely to buy a product after watching a short video about it. If you are looking for ways to improve your Pinterest marketing strategy, adding a video pin is a win-win Pinterest marketing strategy.

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Perks of Using Videos on Pinterest

When it comes to digital marketing, video marketing is one of the most powerful in a marketer’s toolkit. And while the video is widely used on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat, there’s one platform that’s often overlooked when it comes to video marketing: Pinterest. Here is a quick rundown of the perks of Pinterest videos.

  1. Pinterest Has Appetite for Video Content

    Pinterest is a visual platform, and while that means that it’s great for images, it also means that it’s a great place for video content. In fact, Pinterest users have an appetite for video content. Videos like ‘how-to’s and short storytelling videos can help you to get more attention from the audience.

  2. Pinterest Give Videos a Prime Placement

    Pinterest is giving video content prime placement, as it attracts more users and keeps them engaged on the platform. The move comes as Pinterest is seeing strong growth in the number of people using the platform and the amount of time they spend on it. Pinterest has been testing video in various places on its platform over the past year, and it appears to have finally found a permanent home for video.

  3. Pinterest Videos Lead to User Actions

    Video content is getting popular with time, and it was noticed that Pinterest users just don’t enjoy videos. They are inspired and take user action as well. According to Pinterest, 2.6x users are likely to make a purchase decision after they see fashion brand content on Pinterest.

7 Tips to Use Pinterest Videos for Your Business

While there are a lot of different social media platforms out there, one that may not be utilized to its full potential is Pinterest. Here are some tips for using Pinterest videos to promote your business.Pinterest-Videos

  1. Grab User Attention

    You are scrolling through your feed, mindlessly looking at pictures of food or a funny video. But then, you see something that catches your eye. It’s a video, and it’s only a few seconds long. But in that short time, it grabbed your attention, and you couldn’t look away. What is it about videos that make them so captivating? And how can you use them to grab the attention of your users? Here are a few tips:

    • Use eye-catching visuals: Visuals are key on Pinterest, so make sure your video thumbnail is eye-catching and represents the content of your video.
    • Keep it short and sweet: Remember that people are scrolling through Pinterest, so you want to ensure that your video is short and to the point.
    • Use keywords: Keywords in your title and caption ensure that your video comes up in relevant searches.
    • Promote your video: Make sure to promote your video on other channels, including your website and social media.

  2. Keep it Short & Snappy

    Just because people love watching videos on Pinterest doesn’t mean they want to watch long ones. The majority prefer videos that are shorter. So, if you are looking to get more eyes on your videos, make sure to keep them short and sweet.

    • Start with a bang: Grab people’s attention right from the start with an exciting opening scene.
    • Keep it focused: Don’t try to cram too much into one video.
    • Pick one topic and stick to it.
    • Be creative: If you want people to watch your videos, you must make them exciting and visually appealing.

  3. Add Titles & Description

    Videos are a big way to capture attention and stand out in the feed. But with so much competition, optimizing your videos for the platform is essential to ensure your target audience notices them. Here are a few tips to optimize your Pinterest videos and get more eyeballs rolling to your video content.

    • Use keyword-rich titles: Your title should reflect the content in your video and include keywords that people are likely to search for.
    • Add trending hashtags: Hashtags are a great way to get your video in front of more people. Use relevant and popular hashtags to reach a larger audience.
    • Use keyword-rich descriptions: Just like your title, your description should be the one that casts a spell on your audience, and it should also include keywords that people are likely to search for.

    Moreover, your title, hashtags, and descriptions must be clear for the Pinterest algorithm to make your content discoverable.

  4. Create a Compelling Video

    Have you ever wondered how some people create those amazing Pinterest videos that make you stop and watch? You know, the ones that are so compelling you can’t look away? If you want to create engaging videos for your audience, here I have a few tips to attract your audience.

    • Use attractive visuals: Pinterest is all about visuals, so make sure your videos are visually appealing.
    • High-quality images and footage can go a long way: ensure that your videos are well-edited and look professional.
    • Use descriptive captions: Since Pinterest users can’t hear the audio in your videos unless they click on them, it’s essential to use descriptive captions to let them know what your video is about.

  5. Design a Creative Cover Photo

    A picture is worth a thousand words, which is especially true when creating a Pinterest video cover. A creative and well-designed cover photo can make all the difference in whether or not people click on your video, and it can also help your video stand out from the rest. The best Pinterest videos are the ones with creative covers, eye-catching visuals, and a powerful story.

  6. Add Text Overlay

    You have seen it before: a video playing in the middle of a Pinterest feed with a text overlay. The text is usually a quote or something that catches your attention, and it’s a great way to make your video stand out. Including text overlay in your videos can help you highlight important information, call out key points, or add a bit of personality. Moreover, it is super easy to do! Here are four steps to adding text overlay to your videos:

    1. Choose the video you want to add text overlay.
    2. Select the “Edit” button.
    3. Click “Add Text.”
    4. Type in the text you want to appear in your video.

  7. Use a Strong Call to Action

    Use a strong call to action if you want more views, engagement, and conversions from your Pinterest videos. A call to action (CTA) encourages your viewers to take a specific action, such as visiting your website, signing up for your email list, or making a purchase. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when creating your CTA:

    • Keep it short and to the point.
    • Use language that’s clear and easy to understand.
    • Speak to your audience’s needs and interests.
    • Be specific about what you want your audience to do.
    • Use a strong verb that encourages action.

Featured Article: How To Post on Pinterest Successfully in 2022 – A Step by Step Guide 

How to Upload a Video on Pinterest

Uploading Pinterest videos is super easy. Follow the steps below and upload your video on the platform successfully.

  1. Open your Pinterest account, and click on the ‘Create’ tab at the top left corner. pinterest 1
  2. Then click ‘Idea Pin.’idea pin
  3. Either you can create a new one or use a drafted one. To create a new one, click ‘Create New’idea pin 2
  4. Upload your video from your computer. You can upload 20 images or videos at a timeidea pin 3
  5. Design your video. Add text overlay, edit your video to focus on the important part, or add other pages for your video. Once done, click ‘Next’.  idea pin 4
  6. Now, add a title, tag topics, choose your preferred board and click the ‘Publish’ button.

Your video will be posted to your Pinterest account.

How to Schedule Pinterest Video Pins with Social Champ

Scheduling Pinterest videos at the right time can help you get more eyeballs on your video content. Here’s how you can easily schedule your Pinterest videos using Social Champ.

  1. Login to your Social Champ account.SC pin
  2. Select your Pinterest boards from the dropdown located at the top.SC pin 1
  3. Type your caption, add trending hashtags, emojis, Pinterest URL, and a title.SC pin
  4. Click the ‘media’ button to upload your video.SC pin 4
  5. You can either upload your video from your computer directly or choose from your Google Drive.SC pin 5
  6. After uploading, decide the best time slot to schedule your video.SC pin 6
  7. Take one final look and click on the ‘Schedule’ button.

Pinterest videos only work for Pinterest Business accounts. Check this guide for more guidelines.

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How to Promote Pinterest Video Pins – 4 Simple Ways

You have just published a new video on your YouTube channel. You are excited to start promoting it but need help figuring out how to proceed. Well, Pinterest can do the work for you.

  1. Create a Catchy Thumbnail

    Thumbnail is the first thing people will see when they come across your pin, so make sure it’s catchy and enticing.  A compelling thumbnail can deliver video context to your audience and attract more viewers. Sometimes, summarizing a whole idea into a single image can leave a good impression on your audience.

  2. Use Bright Colors & Optimize Your Videos

    Use bright colors and an attractive image that accurately represents the video. Use keyword-rich descriptions. Like any other type of pin, you want to ensure your video pins are well-optimized with keywords. This will help them show up in search results and get more clicks.

  3. Pin Your Videos & Share

    Pin often. To get the most exposure for your video pins, the more you pin, the more likely people are to see them. Videos appear at the top of the Pinterest feed, which makes it easier for users to click and watch them. So, if you want to make your Pinterest shine, try pinning your videos and sharing them to reach a wider audience.

  4. Pinterest Ads

    What makes Pinterest ads unique is that they are not interruptive; instead, they are designed to blend in with the rest of the content on the platform. This makes them more effective at driving clicks and conversions, which is why we recommend using them to promote your videos.

Featured Article: How to Sell On Pinterest: Everything You Need to Know

How to Repurpose Pinterest Videos

You have just finished creating an amazing video for your Pinterest profile. It’s informative, and engaging, and you know your audience is going to love it. But there’s just one problem: you are not sure how to get the most out of it. You could post it on your other social media channels, but why not go the extra mile and repurpose it on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram? And with a little creativity, it’s easy to repurpose your videos from this visual platform.

  1. Repurpose Your Videos on YouTube

    YouTube is where people go to watch videos. If you want more views and engagement on your videos, you must repurpose them on YouTube. Not only is this a great way to increase your reach and get more eyeballs on your content, but it can also help you to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

    • Create a YouTube channel if you don’t already have one
    • Optimize your channel for SEO and import your videos from Pinterest
    • Create transcripts of your videos
    • Optimize your video titles, descriptions, and tags
    • Create custom thumbnails for your videos
    • Use annotations and cards to encourage viewers to subscribe to your channel

  2. Repurpose Your Videos on Facebook and Instagram

    You have put a lot of time and effort into creating videos for your Pinterest audience, but what if you could get even more mileage out of them? You can repurpose your Pinterest videos for Facebook and Instagram with little effort. Here are a few tips for doing so:

    • Edit your video for each platform. Having the same video doesn’t mean you can post it without editing.
    • Each platform has different requirements, so ensure your video is edited to meet those requirements.
    • Create custom thumbnails. A custom thumbnail will help your video stand out from the rest. Add captions. Not everyone will watch your video with the sound on, so add captions.
    • Add a call to action. Tell your viewers what you want them to do after watching your video.

Pinterest Linked Videos

You love finding new and exciting videos to watch on Pinterest. But have you ever wondered what those videos are called? Pinterest Linked Videos are a great way to add fun and variety to your feed. These videos are hosted on another website (such as YouTube or Vimeo) and are embedded on a Pinterest board. This feature allows users to link their YouTube or Vimeo account to their Pinterest profile, making it easy to share videos with followers.

There are two ways to pin your videos quickly:

  • Pin it directly: You can link directly from the page where the video is embedded or hosted. Use the Pin It -chrome extension for it.
  • Add a link: The other way is to copy the URL of a video, go to Pinterest, click ‘Add a pin’ and paste the URL and share it with your audience.

Promote Your Pinterest Videos With Videos Ads

Video ads are a great way to reach your target audience and get your video in front of them. When you create a video ad, you can target your ad for people who have interests that are related to your video. You can also target your ad according to demographics and more.

Specifications for Videos Ads

Specifications play a vital role when it comes to displaying your ads. Your ad must be in the correct file size and format to reach a wider audience. If your video ad is pixelated, blurry, or oddly cropped because you have chosen the wrong size for the platform, then your message won’t land. A simple slip-up can make you lose dollars and precious time.

So, having the correct ad specs for any ad strategy is essential. You can follow the right Pinterest video ad specs to create your ad.

  1. Static Pinterest Ad Specifications

    For static Pinterest ad specs, here are the recommended specifications

    • File Type: PNG or JPEG
    • Ideal aspect ratio: 2:3
    • File size: Max 10 MB
  2. Video Ad Specifications

    For video pin ads, the recommended specifications are as follows:

    • File Type: .mp4, .mov, .m4v
    • Max File Size: Up to 20 GB
    • Video Length: Minimum 4 seconds and maximum 15 seconds
    • Aspect Ratio: Shorter than 1:2 and Taller than 1.91:1

    Character Count

    • Title: Your Pinterest video ad title must be up to 100 characters. The first 30-35 characters will appear in the user feed.
    • Description: Your ad description must contain up to 500 characters. The first 50 to 60 characters will appear in the user’s feed.

4 Best Practices for Pinterest Video Ads

With the addition of video ads to the platform, there’s even more potential to reach and engage your target audience. Check out these best practices for creating Pinterest video ads that convert your followers into customers.

  1. Use Strong Visuals

    When it comes to video ads, you want to make sure you are using visuals that will grab attention and hold it. Here are some tips for using strong visuals in your Pinterest video ads:

    • Use high-quality images and videos.
    • Make sure your visuals are relevant to your product or service.
    • Bright colors to grab attention and stand out.
    • Close-ups and action shots add excitement.
    • Use text overlays to highlight key information.

  2. Hook Your Viewers Quickly

    You have a split second to make an impression on viewers when they scroll through their Pinterest feed. Ensure your video ad catches their eye and compels them to keep watching. To keep up with the competition, you need to ensure your Pinterest video ads are engaging and interesting from the beginning. You only have a few seconds to capture your viewer’s attention, so you need to make them count.

  3. Educate or Captivate

    You can’t deny the power of video ads. They can help you educate or captivate your audience, and when used correctly, they can be a game-changer for your business. According to Pinterest video research, the best performing videos are the ‘how-to-videos’ and the storytelling videos.

    Usually, people turn to Pinterest for ‘Do It Yourself’ videos, while others use it for inspiration.

  4. Video Length and Format

    For ads on Pinterest videos, you must ensure you use the correct dimensions. Otherwise, your ads will be less effective, and you will miss out on potential customers.

Make it P-interesting!

And it’s a wrap!

There’s no doubt that Pinterest is an excellent platform for videos. The key is to make your videos high-quality, engaging, and relevant to your target audience. With a little effort, you can use Pinterest to reach a broad audience and promote your brand or product. Moreover, creating engaging and visually appealing videos can help you reach a wide audience and promote your brand in an effective and eye-catching way.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to Download Videos From Pinterest?

AHere are easy steps to download videos from Pinterest
Open your Pinterest account and copy the link to your video
In another tab, Go to the ‘Pinterest Video Downloader
Paste the URL in the post bar and click on the green ‘download video’
Right-click and click ‘Save As’

2. Who Uses Pinterest More?

More than 75% of Pinterest users are women who will use Pinterest in 2023.

3. Who Uses Pinterest More?

Yes, Pinterest can pay you if you are a part of a Pinterest creator program and, most importantly, if your content meets the requirements of eligibility criteria.
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Picture of Yumna Hafeez

Yumna Hafeez

I am a part of the #ChampFam designated as a content writer who likes to write with a side of coffee. When not glued to the keyboard, you will find me munching popcorns in cinema or catching K-dramas on Netflix with a ramen bowl. Let's chat about content, cinema, or anything in between at [email protected].

Pinterest Videos – The A to Z Guide for 2024 & Beyond

Picture of Yumna Hafeez

Yumna Hafeez

I am a part of the #ChampFam designated as a content writer who likes to write with a side of coffee. When not glued to the keyboard, you will find me munching popcorns in cinema or catching K-dramas on Netflix with a ramen bowl. Let's chat about content, cinema, or anything in between at [email protected].

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