
The Art of Facebook Advertising: Facebook Ad Sizes for 2024

Comprehensive Guide to Facebook Ad Sizes and Specs in 2024
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Thinking of going full throttle with Facebook ads this year? Well, you need to know that it will take much more than just compelling ad copy to captivate your target audience.

It’s true that persuasive language plays a vital role in conversions, but do you know what will truly command the scrolling gaze of potential customers? Visuals! Images and videos hold a certain power that urges viewers to pause and click.

And this is not some big talk; research shows that posts with images receive a 650% higher engagement than those without. What’s more, video content on Facebook gets, on average, 135% more organic reach than images. That’s the power of visuals, and it’s not something you want to underestimate.

You should also remember that crafting compelling Facebook ads involves more than just creative copy and eye-catching visuals; it requires a keen understanding of the specific Facebook ad sizes to ensure your content seamlessly integrates into users’ Feeds.

In this guide, you’ll learn about the Facebook ad specs you should know about in 2024. So, the next time you schedule Posts, Reels, and Stories with a Facebook scheduler, you’ll incorporate visual ads that meet the technical standards and grab the attention they deserve.\

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Facebook Ad Sizes and Specs: Why Master Every Format & Placement?

Facebook offers a diverse array of ad formats and placements, providing brands with a versatile toolkit to effectively reach and engage their target audience. The platform accommodates various advertising needs, from compelling image and video ads in the Feed to interactive stories, carousel ads, and even strategic placements in messenger or instant articles.

With users embracing new trends and features, utilizing different ad formats has several benefits, such as the following:

  1. Optimal Presentation

    It goes without saying that proper dimensions and resolutions contribute to a positive user experience. So, adhering to the requirements for Facebook ad sizes and specs ensures that the brand’s content appears as intended, providing a visually appealing and professional presentation.

  2. User Engagement

    In addition to contributing to a positive user experience, correct ad specs contribute to better user engagement. Well-crafted visuals and adequately formatted content are more likely to capture the audience’s attention and encourage interaction, leading to increased engagement and potential conversions.

  3. Consistency in Branding

    Ad specs also play a crucial role in maintaining brand consistency. Following the recommended specs ensures that your brand’s identity, including logos and images, remains uniform across all ads. This consistency can foster brand recognition and trust.

  4. Ad Performance

    Adherence to Facebook ad specs is directly linked to ad performance. Properly formatted ads are more likely to load efficiently, reducing bounce rates and providing a smoother user experience. This, in turn, can positively impact metrics like click-through rates and conversion rates.

  5. Compliance with Policies

    Facebook has specific guidelines and policies regarding ad content and specifications. Ensuring compliance helps you avoid issues like rejected ads or violations. This helps you maintain a positive relationship with the platform and its user community.

  6. Adaptation to Platform Changes

    Social media platforms, including Facebook, frequently update their algorithms and display formats. Being aware of and adjusting to these Facebook algorithm changes in ad specs ensures that your content remains optimized for visibility and performance in the evolving digital landscape.

Now that you know the reasons why you should master every format and placement of Facebook ads, it’s time to delve into the specifications of each one of them. Here are the specifications for Facebook ad sizes and formats:

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Facebook Ad Sizes for Feed

Facebook users spend a significant portion of their time scrolling their Feeds. Research shows that a significant majority, 70.5%, of Facebook Feed views are derived from sources to which users are connected. There are various ways to incorporate Facebook Feed Ads. You can incorporate them into images, videos, and carousels.

A snapshot of Facebook ad
A snapshot of Facebook ad
  1. Facebook Ad Image Sizes

    Ads within image-based posts tend to stand out more in users’ feeds. With eye-catching visuals, your ads are more likely to capture your audience’s attention, leading to increased visibility and brand recall.

    If you aim to showcase products or services, ads within image-based posts provide an ideal platform. You can incorporate high-quality visuals to effectively highlight the features and benefits of what you offer, influencing purchase decisions.

    Here are the specifications for Facebook Ad image sizes:

    • File Type: PNG and JPG
    • Ratio: 1.91:1 to 1:1
    • Resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels
    • File Size: 30MB maximum
    • Minimum width: 600 pixels
    • Minimum height: 600 pixels

  2. Facebook Ad Sizes for Feed Videos

    Videos are inherently more dynamic and engaging than static images. Incorporating ads into video posts captures the audience’s attention with movement, making it more likely to stand out in the busy Facebook Feed.

    Besides attracting the audience’s attention, videos provide an immersive platform for storytelling. Integrating ads into video posts allows you to convey your narrative, showcase products, or share behind-the-scenes content, creating a more emotional and resonant connection with the audience.

    Here are the specifications for Facebook video ad sizes:

    • File type: GIF, MOV, and MP4
    • Minimum width: 120 px
    • Minimum height: 120 px
    • Resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels
    • Ratio: 4:5 for mobile only, and 1:1 for desktop and mobile
    • File Size: 4GB maximum
    • Duration: 1 second to 241 minutes

    The concise size is also applied to text and headline guidelines, where ad text is limited to 125 characters, and headlines should be concise at 25 characters. A well-crafted Call-to-Action (CTA) adds the finishing touch with options like Learn More, Shop Now, and Sign Up.

    Placing the CTA strategically within the ad ensures optimal user interaction. Additionally, interactive elements like polls and sliders can offer a dynamic touch to Feed Ads. The dimensions for these interactive features vary based on the chosen element, providing an engaging and tailored experience for users.

Facebook Ad Sizes for Carousels

When effectively utilized, Carousel Ads become a versatile tool, allowing you to drive user interaction in a visually captivating manner. You can leverage this feature to tell a compelling brand story, present a product range, or highlight various aspects of a single offering.

The flexibility of Carousel Ads shines through in their ability to showcase a sequence of 2 to 10 cards. However, it’s crucial to strike a balance – too few cards may leave the narrative incomplete, while an excessive number may risk losing the audience’s interest.

In addition, creating a captivating narrative within the confined space of a Facebook Feed Carousel Ad demands a keen understanding of the specific sizes that optimize the visual storytelling experience. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Number of cards: 2 to 10
  • Ratio: 1:1
  • Resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Image file type: PNG and JPG
  • Image file size: 30MB maximum
  • Video file type: GIF, MOV, and MP4
  • Video file size: 4GB maximum.
  • Video duration: 1 second to 240 minutes

Beyond image and video dimensions, text and headline considerations are pivotal in Carousel Ads. You should ensure that the text and headlines across cards are cohesive, creating a seamless flow that guides users through the narrative. This cohesion reinforces the overall message and aids in maintaining user engagement as they swipe through the carousel.

Facebook Ad Sizes for Right Column

While Right Column Ads may not boast the same expansive canvas as Feed Ads, they offer a unique opportunity to target specific audiences, especially those navigating through Facebook on desktop devices.

Right Column Image Ads are displayed prominently on the right side of the desktop interface, ensuring they catch users’ attention without competing directly with the central content in the News Feed.

This placement allows advertisers to target a specific audience with tailored messages, making it a practical option for driving conversions and increasing brand awareness.

Like Facebook Feed Ads, Right Column Ads can come in different formats, including images, videos, and carousels.

Facebook Ad Banner Sizes for Right Column Images

Whether the objective is to drive website clicks, boost post engagement, or increase conversions, Right Column Image Ads provide flexibility in accommodating various campaign goals. You can craft compelling messages paired with visually appealing images to achieve specific outcomes.

Here are the specifications for Right Column Image Ads:

A snapshot of ads
A snapshot of ads
  • Image file type: PNG and JPG
  • Image file size: 30MB maximum
  • Ratio: 1:1
  • Resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Minimum width: 254 pixels
  • Minimum height: 133 pixels

Facebook Ad Sizes for Right Column Videos

Video Ads bring a new dimension to the advertising experience. With the recommended resolution, advertisers can create visually stunning videos that effectively communicate their brand message. The dynamic nature of video content enhances the potential for storytelling, brand narratives, and product demonstrations.

Here are the specifications for Right Column Video Ad sizes:

  • Video file type: GIF, MOV, and MP4
  • Minimum height: 120 px
  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Video ratio: 1:1 for mobile and desktop or 4:5 for mobile only
  • File Size: 4GB maximum
  • Video duration: 1 second to 240 minutes

Facebook Ad Sizes for Right Column Carousels

Right Column Carousel Ads are adaptable to various campaign objectives. Whether the goal is to showcase a product collection, highlight different features of a single product, or tell a sequential brand story, the carousel format provides flexibility for creative expression and goal achievement.

Be sure to follow the following specifications for Right Column Carousel Ads:

    • Ratio: 1:1
    • Resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels
    • Number of Cards: 2 to 10

Facebook Ad Sizes for In-Stream Video

Facebook displays In-Stream Video Ads on both desktop and mobile devices. They appear before, during, or after videos. They may also appear within Facebook Live streams.

Facebook’ In-Stream Video Ads do not auto-play for more than 15 seconds. They are sometimes skippable after viewers watch the ad for at least the first five seconds. These videos aren’t just about showcasing products; they’re an opportunity to tell a story, evoke emotions, or even surprise viewers with interactive elements.

Now, let’s talk about the Facebook ad sizes and dimensions that make the interaction with In-Stream Video Ads smooth and visually delightful.

  • Video file type: GIF, MOV, and MP4
  • Video file size: 4 GB maximum
  • Video ratio: 1:1 or 16:9
  • Resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Minimum width: 120 px
  • Minimum height: 120 px

While there’s no specific duration carved in stone, you should be mindful of keeping the content engaging and concise. Viewers are likelier to stay tuned when the content aligns with their interests and doesn’t overstay its welcome.

Facebook Ad Banner Sizes for Marketplace Posts

Facebook Marketplace is where users browse for everything from vintage treasures to everyday essentials. If you’re planning to run ads on Facebook Marketplace, its best to get familiar with the following specifications.

Facebook Ad Sizes for Marketplace Image Ads

Marketplace Image Ads appear seamlessly within the Marketplace Feed, allowing brands to connect with users actively exploring listings, products, and services. This native placement ensures that the ads blend harmoniously with the user’s browsing experience, increasing the likelihood of engagement.

The following are the specifications for Marketplace Image Ads:

  • Image file type: PNG and JPG
  • Image file size: 30MB maximum
  • Ratio: 1:1
  • Resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels

Marketplace Carousel Ad Specs

Marketplace Carousel Ads feature two or more scrollable cards within a single ad unit. Each card can include a unique image or video, as well as individual headlines, descriptions, and call-to-action buttons.

This carousel format provides advertisers with a creative canvas to deliver a sequence of messages or showcase various products or services.

Here are the specifications for this ad format:

  • Ratio: 1:1
  • Resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Number of cards: 2 to 10
  • Image file type: PNG and JPG
  • Image file size: 30MB maximum
  • Video file type: GIF, MOV, MP4
  • Video file size: 4GB maximum
  • Video duration: 1 second to 240 minutes

The recommended image file formats, such as JPG or PNG, contribute to a smooth loading experience, ensuring users can effortlessly view the ad and explore the showcased products without disruptions.

Facebook Ad Sizes for Instant Articles

Facebook Instant Articles Ads emerge as a streamlined avenue for publishers and advertisers to deliver engaging and fast-loading content. In this space, where speed and user experience are paramount, the ads’ specific sizes and dimensions play a pivotal role in seamlessly integrating into the Instant Articles format.

Instant Article Image Ads

Tailored for users who consume content directly within the Facebook app, these ads allow brands to engage audiences with visually appealing images and compelling messages without disrupting the reading experience.

You can include clear calls to action to guide users toward desired interactions, such as visiting a website, exploring the product, or purchasing. Here are the specs for Instant Article Image Ads:

  • File Type: PNG and JPG
  • Ratio: 1.91:1 to 1:1
  • Resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • File Size: 30MB maximum

Facebook Ad Sizes for Instant Article Videos

Instant Article Video Ads on Facebook provide an immersive and engaging advertising experience within the Instant Articles platform. Integrating video ads seamlessly into the Instant Articles platform enables you to effectively engage audiences within a contextually relevant environment.

Captivating storytelling, clear brand messaging, and a visually appealing presentation contribute to the overall success of the ad campaign.

Here are the requirements for Instant Article Video Ads:

  • File type: GIF, MP4 and MOV
  • Minimum width: 120 px
  • Minimum height: 120 px
  • Resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Video ratio: 16:9
  • File size: 4GB maximum
  • Duration: 1 second to 241 minutes
  • Sound: Optional

Note that this type of format does not support captions.

Facebook Ad Sizes for Stories

Over 500 million users engage with Facebook Stories daily, showcasing this feature’s immense reach and popularity. About one in three Instagram users say they have become more interested in a brand or product after seeing it in Stories.

Given these statistics, you should strongly consider using Facebook Stories Ads. Here are the specs for Facebook Stories Ads:

Facebook Ad Sizes for Stories Images

  • File Type: PNG and JPG
  • Ratio: 9:16
  • Resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • File Size: 30MB maximum
  • Minimum Width: 500 px

Facebook Ad Sizes for Stories Videos

  • File type: GIF, MOV and MP4
  • Ratio: 9:16
  • Resolution 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Duration: 1 second to 15 seconds
  • File Size: 4GB maximum
  • Minimum Width: 500 pixels
  • Sound and captions: Optional, but recommended

Remember that you can choose to divide a lengthier video into two or three distinct Stories cards within Facebook Stories Video Ads. Subsequently, viewers can click on “Keep Watching” if they wish to continue viewing the remaining segments.

Facebook Collection Ads Sizes

This advertising format incorporates a captivating cover image or video, seamlessly followed by an array of product images. It’s akin to a Carousel, but with a distinctive twist – here, all the compelling content is presented simultaneously, offering users a comprehensive and engaging visual experience in a single glance.

Collection Ads are designed to create a captivating shopping experience, allowing users to discover and engage seamlessly with a curated selection of products. Whether telling a brand story or showcasing a product line, the well-crafted visual elements within Collection Ads can be a powerful tool for connecting with your audience.

Here are the ad sizes for Facebook Collection:

  • Ratio: 1:1
  • Resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Image file type: PNG and JPG
  • Image file size: 30MB maximum
  • Video file type: GIF, MOV and MP4
  • Video file size: 4GB maximum

Collection Ads seamlessly extend their reach into the immersive space of Instant Articles. These ads adhere to the same specifications as their image and video counterparts in the main Feed.

Facebook Ad Sizes for Reels

A snapshot of Facebook ads
A snapshot of Facebook ads

According to Facebook, there are over 200 billion Reels played per day across Facebook and Instagram. Further reports indicate that Facebook Reels account for about 3.3% of ad impressions on the platform.

While ads in Reels may currently represent a smaller portion than Stories, boasting about half the potential audience, advertisers with a strategic approach can seize a unique advantage by tapping into this ad placement early on.

When you incorporate ads into this dynamic space, you can effectively leverage the attention Reels commands, translating it into tangible actions, such as increased brand visibility, audience interaction, and potential conversions.

Here are the specifications to adhere to when incorporating ads into Facebook Reels:

Facebook Ad Sizes for Reels Images

  • File type: PNG or JPG
  • Ratio: 1.91:1 to 1:1
  • Resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • File size: 30MB maximum
  • Minimum width: 600 pixels
  • Minimum height: 600 pixels

Facebook Ad Sizes for Overlay Reels Images

  • File type: PNG or JPG
  • Ratio: 1:1
  • Resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • File size: 30MB maximum
  • Minimum width: 600 pixels
  • Minimum height: 600 pixels

Facebook Ad Sizes for Reels Videos

  • File type: MP4, MOV
  • Recommended ratio: 9:16
  • Resolution: 500 x 888 pixels
  • Video duration: 1 second to 60 seconds
  • Maximum file size: 4GB
  • Sound and captions: Optional

Ad Sizes for Facebook Reels Carousels

  • Ratio: 1:1
  • Resolution: 1080 x 1080
  • Number of cards: 2 to 10
  • Image file type: PNG and JPG
  • Image file size: 30MB maximum
  • Video file type: GIF, MOV and MP4
  • Video file size: 4GB max
  • Video duration: 1 second to 240 minutes

As Reels advertising is still in its relative novelty phase, you can craft a solid Reels strategy now so you can position your brand at the forefront of innovation and capture the attention of users within the Reels environment.

Featured Article: Facebook Ad Targeting Tips to Maximize Conversion

In Conclusion

The ever-evolving landscape of social media demands precision and adaptation, and staying abreast of the latest guidelines for Facebook ad sizes in 2024 is non-negotiable for brands striving to make a meaningful impact. Adhering to these requirements can ensure that your Facebook marketing campaigns are visually compelling and optimized for maximum impact.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Are the Recommended Dimensions for Facebook Image Ads in 2024?

In 2024, the recommended dimensions for Facebook Image Ads include a resolution of 1,200 x 628 pixels, with an aspect ratio ranging from 1.91:1 to 4:5.

2. What Is the Optimal Length and Resolution for Video Ads on Facebook This Year?

For Video Ads, aim for a minimum width of 600 pixels, utilizing file formats such as MP4 or MOV. While Facebook allows videos up to 240 minutes, the optimal engagement is typically within 15-30 seconds.

3. Are There Specific Character Limits for Ad Text and Headlines in 2024?

Yes, in 2024, Facebook recommends limiting ad text to 125 characters and headlines to 25 characters to ensure concise and impactful messaging within your ad content.

4. What Are the Dimensions for Carousel Ads on Facebook This Year?

For Carousel Ads, each image or video should ideally have a 1,080 x 1,080 pixels resolution. Advertisers can showcase 2-10 cards with consistent messaging for a cohesive visual experience.

5. How Can I Optimize My Facebook Ads for Different Placements and Ensure They Look Great on Mobile Devices?

To optimize for various placements, tailor your content specifically for each format. Additionally, prioritize high-quality visuals, stay updated on Facebook’s guidelines, and consider using a social media management tool like Social Champ to ensure consistency across different social media platforms.
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Picture of Daniel Clark

Daniel Clark

Daniel is a guru of B2B marketing and professional networking. His in-depth knowledge of LinkedIn's unique environment has paved the way for business success.

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