Leo Allen at Our Champs

Leo Says: Social Champ Helps Consistently Provide Social Media Content Relevant to the Voluntary Input Brand

I heard once if you want to create an impact for B2B services then start a podcast – Garry Vaynerchuk. The entire ecosystem has been building around content in which podcast is one of them. 

Among a bunch of great podcasters, I’m glad to have Leo Allen who is a producer and host at Voluntary Input Podcast. He is a tech-enthusiast and always engages around social media networks for sharing knowledge about the things in life that matter to you most.

Today, I asked Leo about his quick journey and what does he think about Social Champ?

Hey Leo, I’m so glad to have you as a part of Our Champ. Please elaborate about yourself and the services you offer.

I produce and host the podcast Voluntary Input. Although it is tech-centered, we also touch on a wide range of topics, with a primary focus on encouraging stories from amazing people. I am also still working on providing additional production services to the indie podcast community.

Can you explain your process of planning and execution of a podcast? What tools do you use? 

Planning episodes tend to start with focusing on topics of public interest. For example, we’ve done several episodes covering crypto-currencies and are currently working on content to cover the world of NFTs.

How Social Champ helps you deliver value and how long have you been using it?

Social Champ helps consistently provide social media content relevant to the Voluntary Input brand. The RSS and scheduling features are especially helpful in keeping content up to date and equally distributed across each social platform. I have been using Social Champ since July 2021.

I’m so thankful to you for your precious time and for sharing kind words. I and my team wish you the best of luck with your upcoming projects.

Picture of Ashmal Ur Rehman

Ashmal Ur Rehman

Ashmal is the Senior Community Manager at Social Champ. He loves helping out business owners, merchants, and developers in establishing and maintaining online businesses. In addition, he is often busy interacting with the social media community and figuring out integration tactics for emerging tech. When not working, you could find him playing COD & CS GO. Feel free to contact him at [email protected]

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