
Planoly Pricing: A Breakdown of the 2024 Pricing Model

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Feeling overwhelmed by Planoly pricing options? You’re not alone. With multiple plans available, it’s easy to get lost in the decision-making maze. Let’s demystify the pricing structure and help you find the perfect fit for your needs.

Because let’s face it, budgets matter, whether you’re dealing with dollars, euros, or any other currency. In fact, even a simple trip to the store can leave your wallet lighter.

Unfortunately, traditional social media management tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, and AgoraPulse, while being established players, have seen their pricing become increasingly out of reach for small businesses. Thankfully, amidst this competitive landscape, solutions like Planoly offer more affordable options for individuals and smaller enterprises.

Planoly is one of the rising stars in social media management tools, but let’s take a detailed view of Planoly’s pricing model, features, pros, and cons.

Planoly – A Detailed Look

Planoly is a comprehensive social media management and visual planning solution tailored explicitly for Instagram and Pinterest users. Its user-friendly dashboard allows you to plan and schedule posts, giving you a clear overview of your content calendar for the month.

With its intuitive interface, you can upload and edit photos or videos directly within the platform before scheduling them for posting. What sets Planoly apart is its dynamic reporting and analytics tools, empowering you and your team to make informed decisions and refine your marketing strategy.

Moreover, Planoly extends its functionality beyond Instagram and Pinterest, enabling users to plan and schedule content for Facebook and Twitter.

While Planoly pricing may initially appear promising, it ultimately falls short of expectations. While its pricing is undeniably affordable, the tool lacks essential features and suffers from usability issues.

If you are seeking a dependable solution for social media management, why settle for a platform that lacks basic functionality and is prone to bugs? It’s worth investing a bit more to secure a user-friendly and intuitive tool that offers everything you need.  Well, yes, we are talking about Social Champ.

Social Champ is a complete social media management solution that won’t break the bank. With its power-loaded features and seamless usability, it is the better choice for effectively managing your social media presence.

Dont Take our Words, Try it Yourself, You Will See the Difference!

With its comprehensive solution and unparalleled customer support, Social Champ is the perfect complement to your Planoly experience. Try for FREE!

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Planoly: Previous Pricing vs Current Pricing

As the landscape of social media management tools continues to evolve, so does the Planoly pricing. Gone are the days of static pricing plans, and Planoly has adapted to meet the changing needs of its users.

Planoly Price Plan
A snapshot of Planoly price plan

In the past, Planoly boasted a range of pricing plans tailored to various needs and budgets. However, with the passage of time and the introduction of new features, Planoly’s pricing model has undergone significant changes.

A snapshot of Planoly's tweet on price hikes
A snapshot of Planoly’s tweet on price hikes

Let’s look at how Planoly’s previous pricing compares to its current offerings.

  1. Starter Plan

    The older Starter plan was $11.25 yearly and $13/month. Users accessed one social set comprising Pinterest, TikTok, and Instagram profiles. This plan allowed up to 60 uploads per social account, all managed by one user.

    Planoly Starter plan
    Planoly Starter plan

    The current ‘Starter Plan’ is priced at $16 per month & $14/per year; this plan is designed with individuals and small businesses in mind. With handy features like AI-powered auto-magic captions, content creation becomes a breeze. You can get one social set covering Pinterest, TikTok, Instagram profiles, and others, allowing seamless management. Also, you can upload up to 60 monthly posts per account and manage everything with just one user account.

  2. Growth Plan

    Now let’s talk about the previous ‘Growth’ plan offered by Planoly. In the past, the Growth Plan was an option tailored for expanding teams and businesses with growing social media needs. Priced at $19.50 yearly and $23 per month, this plan provided users with comprehensive features to fuel their social media strategies.

    Planoly Growth Plan
    Planoly Growth Plan

    With the old Growth Plan, users accessed one social set, encompassing Pinterest, TikTok, and Instagram profiles. Unlike the Starter Plan, the Growth Plan offered unlimited posts with three users.

    However, if we look at the current ‘Growth plan.’ Priced at $28 per month and $24/month, this plan is tailored for growing teams and businesses with expanding social media needs. With the current Growth Plan, users receive extensive features to enhance their social media strategies. This plan includes auto-magic AI-generated captions, allowing users to create captivating content effortlessly.

    Additionally, users have access to everything offered in the Starter Plan, such as one social set covering profiles for Pinterest, TikTok, and Instagram and the ability to upload up to unlimited monthly posts. However, its support for up to three users sets the Growth Plan apart.

  3. Pro Plan

    The old Professional Plan was tailored for established businesses and advanced users. Priced at $36.50 yearly and $43 per month, this plan provided users extensive features to optimize their social media strategies.

    Pro Plan
    Pro Plan

    With the old Professional Plan, users had access to two social sets, encompassing profiles for Pinterest, TikTok, and Instagram, offering flexibility in managing multiple accounts. Unlike the Growth Plan, the Professional Plan offered unlimited posts, enabling users to share content without restrictions. Additionally, the plan supported up to six users.

    Coming to the new Pro plan is priced at $43 per month and 36.50 yearly (same as the old Planoly pricing model). With the current Professional Plan, users receive robust features to optimize their social media strategies.

    This plan includes auto-magic AI-generated captions, empowering users to create engaging content effortlessly. Additionally, users have access to everything offered in the Growth Plan. Additionally, you get 2 social sets covering profiles for Pinterest, TikTok, and Instagram, along with unlimited monthly postings per account. However, its support for up to six users sets the Professional Plan apart, allowing for seamless collaboration.

  4. Free Plan

    This pricing plan no longer exists in the current Planoly pricing.

    Free Plan, offered by Planoly, provides essential features for users just starting their social media journey. With the Free Plan, users can easily access one social profile, allowing them to manage their Instagram, Pinterest, or TikTok accounts seamlessly.

    Users can upload up to 30 posts per month for Instagram or Pinterest or 5 uploads for TikTok, allowing them to share their content across platforms. Additionally, the Free Plan includes access for one user, making it perfect for individuals or small businesses looking to establish their online presence without any cost.

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Difference Between Old Pricing Plans vs New Pricing Plans in 2024

Planoly side by side comparison
Planoly side by side comparison
  1. Price Hike

    Planoly users have recently encountered a shift in pricing that has garnered attention and prompted discussion. In the past, Planoly offered a range of pricing tiers, including a free plan and three paid options. The starter plan, priced at $13 per month, provided access to one social account per platform and basic scheduling and analytics features. However, the recent transition to a starting price of $16 per month has caused concern.

    A snapshot of customer feedback on Planoly pricing
    A snapshot of customer feedback on Planoly’s pricing
  2. Farewell to Free Plan

    Notably, Planoly has entirely phased out its free plan, departing from its previous offerings. Instead, users can now access a 14-day free trial of the platform’s paid plans, signaling a strategic shift towards a subscription-based model.

    A snapshot of Planoly's free plan
    A snapshot of Planoly’s free plan
  3. Limited Social Acconts

    One of the significant changes in Planoly’s new pricing structure is the limitation on the number of social accounts available to users. Despite the increased cost, users are constrained to just one social set, comprising one account per social media network (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, & TikTok), with access for only one user.

    This limitation challenges those managing multiple accounts and seeking greater flexibility. Moreover, additional social sets, users, and AI credits are exclusive to higher-tier plans, starting at $16 monthly, disappointing users.

Planoly Pricing vs Social Champ – The Mighty Feature Wars

With the competition getting stricter day by day, many tools are brimming each day. We agree that Planoly is quite reasonable, but the tool fails to offer versatile features, extra users, and social media integrations.

While we are talking about the OG trendsetters in social media management tools, especially the best TikTok scheduler in town, then Social Champ is the name popping into my mind right now.

With sleek UI and an easy-to-use dashboard, the tool has made its way to the top. Power-packed with rich features and integrated with nine social media platforms, Social Champ is a pocket-friendly tool with an exclusive free plan where nothing is locked.

I have done my research based on Planoly & Social Champ reviews. Let’s compare the two platforms.

  1. Distinct Features

    When comparing Planoly to Social Champ, it becomes clear that Planoly offers a range of features that make it a solid social media management tool. However, Social Champ takes the lead with its exceptional and diverse features.

    While Planoly provides essential scheduling and analytics features, Social Champ goes above and beyond, offering features such as repeat posts, Twitter Thread scheduling, automated Queue postings, a shareable calendar, and more. These additional features give users a competitive edge and allow for seamless scheduling across multiple platforms.

    With its intuitive interface and user-friendly dashboard, Social Champ is the best choice for marketers seeking advanced functionality and ease of use in their social media management tool.

  2. Social Media Integrations

    While we are digging into Planoly’s social media integration, we have to admit that the tool lacks here. Planoly offers seven social media platform integrations; Social Champ clearly takes the lead with nine major social media platform integrations, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, TikTok, Google Business Profile, YouTube, and Mastodon. This comprehensive integration set can help users effortlessly manage their presence across a wide range of platforms.

    In comparison, Planoly primarily focuses on Instagram and Pinterest, with limited support for other platforms. While Planoly offers some integration options beyond Instagram and Pinterest, it lacks the extensive coverage provided by Social Champ.

  3. Customer Support

    Regarding customer support, Social Champ sets the standard with its unparalleled dedication to providing exceptional service to all users, including those on the free plan. Our customer support team is renowned for its responsiveness and commitment to ensuring every user receives the assistance they need to succeed. Whether a free plan user or a premium subscriber, you can count on Social Champ’s dedicated support team to promptly and effectively address your queries.

    In contrast, Planoly restricts customer support access to advanced plan users, leaving users on lower-tier plans without the same level of support.


All in all, while Planoly offers a range of features and functionalities tailored to meet various social media management needs, its pricing structure may present challenges for some users. The recent changes in pricing, including the discontinuation of the free plan and the introduction of higher starting prices, have prompted concerns among users.

However, for those willing to invest in a comprehensive social media management solution, Planoly remains a viable option with its intuitive interface, scheduling capabilities, and analytics tools. Ultimately, the decision to invest in Planoly will depend on individual budget constraints and the specific needs of each user or business.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Planoly Free to Use?

Planoly doesn’t offer a free plan; instead, it offers a 7-day free trial.

2. Which Is Better, Social Champ or Planoly

Social Champ is better than Planoly when it comes to user interface, customer support, and, most importantly, social media integrations.

3. Is Planoly for Instagram?

Yes, Planoly primarily focuses on Instagram, allowing users to schedule posts and Reels on the platform.
Picture of Yumna Hafeez

Yumna Hafeez

I am a part of the #ChampFam designated as a content writer who likes to write with a side of coffee. When not glued to the keyboard, you will find me munching popcorns in cinema or catching K-dramas on Netflix with a ramen bowl. Let's chat about content, cinema, or anything in between at [email protected].

Planoly Pricing: A Breakdown of the 2024 Pricing Model

Picture of Yumna Hafeez

Yumna Hafeez

I am a part of the #ChampFam designated as a content writer who likes to write with a side of coffee. When not glued to the keyboard, you will find me munching popcorns in cinema or catching K-dramas on Netflix with a ramen bowl. Let's chat about content, cinema, or anything in between at [email protected].

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